-This past week's middle school camp was a tremendous success! We had more than 70 5th-8th graders register and over 65 complete the 2K race on Thursday. An event this size would not have been possible without the support from our high school volunteers. The boys side alone averaged 16 volunteers over the four days of camp. Our high school athletes, both boys and girls, did an excellent job interacting and coaching the next crop of BHS XC runners!
-This Monday, the 8th, we will meet in the weight room for weights at 9:15. The preseason downtime continues through Tuesday.
-Wednesday, the 10th, is our first official practice. Athletes must have a completed physical and consent form turned in to practice. Physical and consent forms can be downloaded here. Athletes also need to turn in their emergency cards and individual expectation sheets. They also need to create an account running2win.com and join BHSdistance.
-The XC parent meeting is Thursday, the 11th, at 6 p.m. in the BHS cafeteria. This is a great opportunity to get a general overview of the 2016 season, learn of changes from previous seasons, and have any questions answered.
-At practice Friday, the 12th, we will run the camp time trial. To be eligible for camp, runners must run under 12:30 on the course and be academically eligible. In the event we have more than 20 runners beat the 12:30 standard the fastest 20 will be invited to camp. More camp info may be found here. We have many athletes attending camp who also participate in band. Young runners concerned about camp conflicting with band requirements should discuss their concerns with their teammates. Runners that are not attending camp will have workouts r-mailed to them through running2win.