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Writer's pictureChris Elsey

Updates - Week of 7-17-17

-We had an excellent first week of workouts with the Island Lake trail and the Kensington Camp!

-We will continue to meet in the back parking lot by the tennis courts for workouts at BHS. Runners needing to leave immediately at 10:15 should be picked up near the pool entrance.

-This week's Single Track Trail Wednesday is at the Milford Trail. Athletes will carpool from the BHS parking lot at 7:30 and should return between 9:30 and 10:00.

-Runners were given emergency cards and expectation sheets. Please remind them to return both items ASAP.

-Encourage the athletes to eat before and after their workouts. The MSU Sports Nutrition for Peak Performance & Health document is great reference tool for learning when/what to eat before/after workouts.

-All runners must have a completed physical and consent form on file when official practices begin Aug 9th.


This Week's Schedule...

Monday - BHS 8:00-10:15 (tennis courts)

Tuesday - Huron Meadows 8:00-9:30 (Sunset Ridge Picnic Shelter)

Wednesday - Milford Trail, carpool from BHS at 7:30, return at 9:45ish (tennis courts)

Thursday - BHS 8:00-10:15 (tennis courts)

Friday - Bishop Lake 8:00-10:30 (Sandhill Picnic Shelter)

Saturday - Kensington 8:00-9:15 (South Martindale Picnic Shelter)

Upcoming Dates...

Friday, July 28th - July Time Trial

Monday, July 31st through Aug 3rd - Middle School Camp

Wednesday, Aug 9th - Official practices begin

Thursday, Aug 10th - Parent Meeting 6 p.m. BHS cafeteria

Friday, Aug 11th - Camp Time Trial

Friday, Aug 11th - Team Pictures 4 p.m. BHS

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