-The team competed at the Mustang Invite this past week where many athletes earned course bests and a couple PRs. Results are posted on athletic.net.
-Monday's afternoon practice is optional. We tell the athletes, if they're in town, they should be at practice.
-Team pictures are Friday afternoon at 3:25. Athletes will wear their black singlets and black shorts for pictures. Preorders are made through the VSN website.
-Traditionally, the Seniors have ordered their banners separately for $45 ($35 was inaccurate).
-Saturday the team races in the Averill Invite at Kensington. The course is located at Possum Hollow. There is no bus. Course Map. Athletes need to meet at our camp by 7:30. The team will set up between the 1st mile marker and the baseball field. The Gold division race is at 9:00 and Silver division race is at 10:00. There is no Bronze division this year. The top 14 athletes (changed from top half of roster) will compete in the Gold division wearing the Checkerboard singlets. All remaining athletes will compete in the Silver division wearing the Black singlets. Awards to the top 3 teams and medals to the top 35 individuals in both divisions.
-Contact Coach Elsey with questions - 248.408.5984 - elseyc@brightonk12.com
This Week's Schedule
Monday - optional Huron Meadows 3-4:45
Tuesday - Bishop Lake 3-5:15
Wednesday - BHS 3-5:30
Thursday - Huron Meadows 3-5:15
Friday - 2:40-4:00ish
Saturday - Averill Invite
Upcoming Dates
Canton/Northville double dual - September 10th
Spartan Invite - September 13th
Huron Invite - September 14th
Salem dual - September 17th
Mott Fall Classic - September 20th
Legends Invite - September 28th
Plymouth/Novi double dual - October 1st
Portage Invite - October 5th