-BXC put in great work and had loads of fun with our local team camp! Photos from the week are posted here. The end of camp marks the start of official practices. Every athlete needs the completed health appraisal or updated physical turned in to practice on Monday.
-The preseason calendar has several date, location, and time changes over these next couple of weeks.
-Team pictures are scheduled for 2:00 Monday in the BHS Stadium. Runners need to wear black shorts and arrive at 1:45. Singlets will be distributed at the stadium. Athletes that do not have all their paperwork turned in must return their singlet after pictures. A list of athletes and completed paperwork (with links) is here. All marching band members in a fall sport will have their pictures taken at 5:30. XC band members can pick up their singlet at practice right after band camp. These athletes will also need to bring a card labeled with boys cross country and their name to give to the photographer. Preorders are available here.
-Wednesday morning the team will practice at Waldenwoods in Hartland. Instructions for entering the resort were sent to athletes in their weekly r-mail. Thank you again to the Crouse family!
-Our meet schedule is coming together. The team will be home at Huron Meadows for half of our dual meets. While we remain in phase 4 of the reopening plan, there are multiple restrictions in place for a meet to take place. Most notable is the limitation on outdoor gatherings to no more than 100 individuals. At this time we anticipate not having any spectators at our dual meets to remain under the 100 person cap and avoid having the meet shut down. More info on restrictions will be coming next week.
-Contact Coach Elsey with questions - elseyc@brightonk12.com - 248.408.5984
This Week's Schedule
Monday - BHS 1:45-4:00 - Team Pictures
Tuesday - Bishop 3-5:15
Wednesday - Waldenwoods Resort 8-11
Thursday - Huron Meadows 3-5:15
Friday - Bishop 3-5:15
Saturday - Kensington WBL 8-9:15 (optional)
Upcoming Dates
Novi Dual - Saturday, August 29th
Romeo Dual - Thursday, September 3rd - tentative
Churchill Dual - Tuesday, September 8th - tentative
Canton Dual - Saturday, September 12th