-The team had an excellent camp week filled with beautiful weather, fun activities, and great training! Photos are posted here.
-Official practices begin at 3 p.m. on Monday at Huron Meadows. Athletes must have their completed physical uploaded to final forms in order to participate. Absences due to a missing/incomplete physical are considered unexcused.
-Team pictures are 2:00 at the lake behind BHS this Thursday. Picture orders are made through the VSN website. Changed from last week's update - runners will now receive their singlets when they arrive Thursday at 1:45. To receive their singlet all documents/forms (check the 2022 Paperwork link below) must be turned in and they must have a running2win account and have joined BHSdistance.
-Senior banner photos will be taken separately on Tuesday, the 23rd at 2:30. Cost is $35.
-Juniors/Seniors may hand pick their remaining uniform items on Saturday after 1:30 or Sunday after 11:30 at Coach Elsey's house. Freshmen/Sophomores will be given their items after practice next week.
-The Pinckney dual is Friday, the 19th at 10 a.m. The course is at Manly W. Bennett Park (10405 Merrill Rd, Whitmore Lake, MI 48189). There is no bus, runners need to arrive by 8:30 with their Bulldog singlet and black team shorts (shorts cost $20, currently have about 10 pairs with more expected to arrive soon). Athletes will cool down and team stretch together after the meet. Course map link.
-The Spartan Nutrition document provides excellent ideas in terms of when and what to eat prior to competing.
-Contact Coach Elsey with questions - elseyc@brightonk12.com - 248.408.5984
This Week's Schedule
Monday - Huron Meadows 3-5:15
Tuesday - Bishop 3-5:15
Wednesday - BHS 3-5:15
Thursday - BHS 1:45-4:15, Team Pictures
Friday - Pinckney Dual
Saturday - Optional Kensington WBL 8-9:15
Upcoming Dates
Senior Banners - August 23rd
Highlander Invite - August 26th
Mustang Invite - August 30th
Averill Invite - September 10th
Salem/Novi Double Dual - September 13th
Spartan Invite - September 16th
Huron Invite - September 17th