-Team Camp was filled with great bonding, training and some callousing storms! All in all, an excellent experience that was enjoyed by all! Pictures from camp are posted here.
-Official practices begin 3 p.m. on Monday at Huron Meadows. Everyone must have their physical turned in to participate. Absences because of a missing/incomplete physical will be considered unexcused.
-Uniforms will be distributed this week during practices. For a runner to receive their uniform all items on the 2021 Paperwork spreadsheet must be complete. Links to all items are posted on the top row of the spreadsheet.
-Team pictures are Thursday at 2 p.m. by the lake behind the high school. Everyone should wear their team shorts and the black Bulldog singlets. Preorders for photos are made through the VSN website. After pictures seniors will have their photo taken for the senior banners. Banners cost $35.
-The Pinckney Dual is this Friday, the 20th at 4:30. The course is at Manly Bennett Memorial Park in Hamburg. There is no bus, runners need to arrive at 3:00. Everyone will race in the Bulldog singlets. Athletes are expected to cool down and team stretch before departing. Course Map link.
-Contact Coach Elsey with questions - elseyc@brightonk12.com - 248.408.5984
This Week's Schedule
Monday - Huron Meadows 3-5:15
Tuesday - Bishop 3-5:15
Wednesday - BHS 3-5:15
*Thursday - BHS 2-4:30*
Friday - Pinckney Dual
Saturday - Kensington WBL 8-9:15 (optional)
Upcoming Dates
End of Summer Invite - August 26th
Mustang Invite - August 31st
First Day of School - September 7th
Averill Invitational - September 11th