-This week the boys fell to Ann Arbor Pioneer and defeated Howell moving the season record to 4-2. Results to both meets are on athletic.net.
-Tuesday, the 22nd the team races Pinckney at Hudson Mills on the North Course. Athletes dismissal from class is at 1:15 with the bus leaving at 1:40. Runners not on the bus need to the course arrive by 2:15. The race is at 3:30. Expect similar spectator limitations as those in place at Huron Meadows. Any changes/updates will be communicated via remind text. The team will race in the Black and Orange singlets. The course map is here.
-Saturday, the 26th the boys race Salem at Huron Meadows. The top 20ish will compete in the 1st race at 9:00 with the remaining athletes running in the 2nd race at 11:30. Everyone running in the 1st race needs to arrive by 7:30 and depart by 10:00. Everyone in the 2nd race must arrive by 10:15 and leave by 12:30. 2nd race athletes must remain in their vehicle until athletes are cleared from the 1st race. 1st and 2nd race runners will wear the Checkerboard singlets.
-Again, thank you parents for following the spectator restrictions. Hopefully the restrictions will be relaxed soon.
-Additional thank you to our meet volunteers. We have a couple spots remaining this season. Please consider signing up here.
-The Busch's Fall Milk Drive begins this week and runs through October 4th. Stop into Busch's and donate some milk to support local families in need and Brighton Cross Country! #BuschsMilkDrive
-Contact Coach Elsey with questions - elseyc@brightonk12.com - 248.408.5984
This Week's Schedule
Monday - Huron Meadows - 3:00-5:15
Tuesday - Pinckney Dual @ Hudson Mills
Wednesday - SMS - 3:00-5:15
Thursday - BHS - 3:00-5:15
Friday - Bishop - 3:00-5:15
Saturday - Salem Dual @ Huron Meadows
Upcoming Dates
Milford Dual - Tuesday, September 29th
Plymouth Dual - Saturday, October 3rd
Northville Dual - Saturday, October 10th
Hartland Dual - Saturday, October 17th